Thursday, November 19, 2015

Stress Relieving Ideas as Finals are Approaching

It is that time a year where college students are anxious and cannot wait to get home to enjoy Thanksgiving with their family and not to mention all the delicious home cooked meals and not cafeteria or fast food. Where they are able to spend quality time with their family. But as Thanksgiving is approaching it also means that we are getting closer and closer to finals week. This means that everyone is on edge and their stress levels just keep rising and rising. As we freak out that finals is coming and that we have endless papers due and tests to study for it is important we find something to do to relieve our stress. There are many things that can be done to relieve stress, here are just a few.

1. Find a pet or a friend with a pet: pet therapy is an extremely helpful stress reliever, like who doesn't love puppies and kitties. This is a great way to take a few minutes whether it is during the day or the week and surround yourself with a pet, they will diminish any stress that you have. This is Theodore "Theo" who is my family's dog, he is a great stress reliever.

2. Yoga. Yoga is another great way to relieve stress. It is a calming exercise where you go at your own pace and no one is rushing you. You work on breathing techniques and stretching all of that stress away.

Image result for yoga

3. Go for a run. Running is a way that is great for relieving stress. Although it is getting cold out, the fresh air is great for clearing the mind and so is running. These two pair great together.,d.cWw&psig=AFQjCNHzIyE3gLukipKWraPUkTwDXX0TWQ&ust=1448035384221707

4. Color or paint. Coloring or painting is a great way to relieve stress and one even gets to feel like a kid again.

5. Have a cup of tea. Tea is a great way to relieve stress. Make a cup of tea and sit where it is quiet and no one is there to bug you, this will help relieve any stress that you may have
Image result for cup of tea


  1. These are some great tips. With all the finals and papers coming up, yes, I am stressed..but I am also stressed because I am moving Dec.1st just to top it all off. I will be 32 weeks pregnant during this move. I have 2 pets, I think I will need to borrow a few more to get me through the weeks that are coming up.

  2. These are some great tips. With all the finals and papers coming up, yes, I am stressed..but I am also stressed because I am moving Dec.1st just to top it all off. I will be 32 weeks pregnant during this move. I have 2 pets, I think I will need to borrow a few more to get me through the weeks that are coming up.

  3. These are some wonderful tips! I think that everyone can use some stress relief as we are nearing the end. Sometimes it can be hard to concentrate on studies when we know that most of us will get to spend time with our families this week and during the upcoming holidays. Hopefully everyone will be able to find some much needed peace this holiday season and not stress to much over the upcoming finals!
