There are always things that need to be done for example there is always, always laundry that needs to be done and seems to be never ending, just constantly growing instead. Then the house needs cleaned and picked up. The car needs an oil change. Groceries will need to be grabbed. There are errands to be ran. But the nice thing is being able to focus on those and being able to not have to worry about work or school for a few days.
On the other hand it is fall. One of the most beautiful seasons and time of the year when the air is cool and the leaves are vibrant colors of oranges, yellows, and reds. Also it is time for the apple orchard, pumpkin picking, Carmel apples, carving pumpkins, and anything that is pumpkin flavored. It is crazy how many things that are pumpkin flavored I was shocked. Working in a grocery store I didn't realize until now how much stuff is able to be pumpkin flavored. Things like:
- Ice creams
- Coffee Creamers
- Pop tarts
- Toaster Strudel
- Pumpkin yogurt
- Pumpkin Pie Oreos
- And these were just a few of the items that I could recall off the top of my head. Fall is officially here and so are these wild treats. I heard that the ice cream tastes like pumpkin pie and a scoop of ice cream, that it is extremely close to the exact flavor. I however have yet to try any of these. The only pumpkin flavored item I have tried is the pumpkin spice latte, which wasn't too bad but in moderation personally I think.
I love it! Unfortunately my fall break is being spent in brick buildings at Camp. pop tarts, popcorn, movies, or alcohol of any sort :( Also, pumpkins flavors are abroad like you said! Pumpkin bars galore are being mad and pumpkin beers such as Oktoberfest are booming. I cannot wait for a great big slice of pumpkin pie with a tub of whip cream on top :) I am extremely excited.